How to Make a Salad You Actually Want to Eat!

It's Time to Spill the Secrets!

Sometimes, you go to a restaurant and they give you a side salad that is just .. well...boring.

Its that sad looking iceberg lettuce, a couple of shavings of red cabbage and a few strips of dried carrot.

This is not the kind of salad that I want to eat!

I want to eat a salad that is full of vibrant, bold colors and flavors! The kind of salad that keeps your taste buds guessing and you can't stop taking a bite, then another bite, and another.

Well, guess what?! I have cracked the code on how to make a delicious salad exactly like that! This is not something that is out of reach and it will totally transform the salads you make at home.

So, today I am going to share my 3 secrets to make a salad that you actually want to eat!

They are easy tips to make sure that your next salad is not only healthy, but delicious and gorgeous to look at too!

1 . Combine Contrasting Flavors

My first secret to making a salad you actually want to eat is to combine contrasting flavors. What does that mean? Think about two opposing flavors and how well they work together to make a mouthwatering combo. Salty and sweet, sweet and heat - these are great ways to pump up the flavor profile of your salads.

Some examples are:

  • Fresh sweet strawberries and the slight acidic bite from a balsamic vinegar dressing
  • Hot, red salsa against the burst of sweetness from fresh corn on a taco salad
  • Sweet grapes and the savory onion and garlic flavor in my Tuna Salad

Back to School Lunch Tuna Salad
Tuna Salad (front) with fresh grapes

2. Combine Contrasting Textures

This simple secret adds so much interest to your salads... just combine contrasting textures! What does this mean? Think about the contrast between creamy and crunchy, crunchy and chewy; it makes your mouth water and keeps you wanting to take bite after bite.

Some examples are:

  • Crunchy carrots against the creamy peanut sauce of a Thai Chicken salad.
  • Soft bleu cheese crumbles complement the snap of the sliced apples in a Waldorf salad
  • Crunchy cashews against the tender slices of zucchini in my Spicy Sesame Zoodle Salad

Spicy Sesame Zoodle Salad
Spicy Sesame Zoodle Salad

3. Use Lots of Colors

And now for the final tip... add in lots of different colored ingredients! Eating all the colors of the rainbow not only helps make sure you are getting a wide array of vitamins and minerals, it also looks beautiful on a plate. These contrasting colors help to create visual interest in your meal, and as they always say, you eat with your eyes first.

Some examples are:

  • Fine slices of bold, purple cabbage with flecks of vibrant, orange carrots in a coleslaw
  • Pearly white mozzarella slices against the deep, dark hue of balsamic vinegar in a caprese salad.
  • The bright red and yellow tomatoes against the dark green kale of my Everything Bagel Salad.

Everything Bagel Salad
Everything Bagel Salad

So that's my 3 secrets to making a salad that you actually want to eat!

What are your favorite ingredients to add to salads to make them mouthwatering?

Let me know in the comments!

As always, thank you for reading my blog and following me on my social media like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. I truly appreciate all your amazing support!


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