Intuition Nutrition

Are you ready to stop feeling guilty about how you eat?

I am so excited to share something with you that I have been working on for awhile. This is something that is near and dear to my heart. It is something that I think can be so impactful to you that, even though I was afraid to share it, I knew I had to.

I am so excited to announce my brand new group coaching program, Intuition Nutrition.

Intuition Nutrition

This program is not a traditional nutrition coaching program.

In fact, I don't know anyone that offers this particular and unique way of helping you to heal your body and live a new level of health in a way that is truly made just for you.

Intuition Nutrition fuses two foundational ideas: that food is healing and energy is healing. When combining these two healing modalities, you will see and feel a profound change to how you live.

No longer will you feel guilty about not sticking to a restrictive diet.

No longer will you feel frustrated about starving yourself and not seeing the weight come off.

When we feel these negative emotions, energy becomes stuck in the body that continues to decrease our feelings of self worth and confidence. It is a negative spiral that can become debilitating. And the weight of these feelings can become as heavy as physical weight.

Instead, I want to show you that you do not need live in this endless cycle of restriction and starvation.

You do not need to fit into someone else's cookie cutter diet.

There is a unique way of eating that is just for you - and it starts with tuning into your intuition.

Your intuition is your internal compass, your internal wisdom, that is constantly giving you clues as to the food that works best for your body.

This intuition is the key to understanding your body in a more profound and impactful way.

But how do you do this?

That is what I will teach you in Intuition Nutrition.

Nourish with Renata

What You'll Get

In this transformational 8 week program, you will learn:

  • How to tune into your intuition
  • How to use this internal knowing to tune into the foods that align with how you want to feel
  • Understand and implement the best foods for your body

You'll also get:

  • Weekly group coaching in an exclusive tight-knit group of women
  • Weekly meal plans to help guide you but are also totally versatile to what works for your body
  • BONUS: 1 hour Intuitive Nutrition Session with myself, where I do a deep dive into the foods that help to support your energetic clearing as well as guide you with more nutrition knowledge to help you get closer to your health goals. This session is valued at $200, but is being given away for free for all the women that sign up for Intuition Nutrition.

Intuition Nutrition is for you if you know there is more to being healthy than simply counting Weight Watchers points, or staring at a food logging app struggling to stay below your caloric goals. Intuition Nutrition allows you to find your own sustainable way of eating that you can use to make mindful food choices for the rest of your life.

If you are looking for more, if you are looking to elevate your own wellness journey, please know that I am here for you. And Intuition Nutrition is the program to help you reach your ultimate wellness goals.

To find out more about Intuition Nutrition, please click the following link.

We are starting the program on May 3, 2021, so don't delay! Join the program today!

To learn more about my nutrition coaching, click here.


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