Making Breakfast the Best Meal (Even If You Don't Have It!)

Do You Eat Breakfast?

Breakfast is, for so many people, the most important meal of the day. It's what you consume to get you set up for a long and productive morning and afternoon. So many of us do not have the time, or the inclination to create a healthy breakfast, and, as a result, lunch ends up being a reflection of how hangry you are! Instead, let's find ways to make breakfast, or your first meal of the day, the most important meal. But, how can we do this? Here's 4 simple tips to make breakfast the best meal!

Start Small

Not everyone goes for a sumptuous fluffy bacon pancakes recipe because not everybody feels hungry first thing in the morning although it is a great way to fill up because of the combination of carbohydrates from the pancakes and protein from the bacon. If you can't bear the idea of eating a massive meal first thing, you could try a very simple dish of granola with a low sugar, high protein yogurt and fresh fruit, such as berries.

Stove Top Pumpkin Granola

But if you are looking for something that is warming, like a stack of pancakes, you could try some oatmeal, and you could even have it in bar form. I love this Pumpkin Protein Oatmeal, because the protein helps you to feel fuller for longer!

Pumpkin Protein Oatmeal

Get Something Healthy but You Can Consume on the Go

Many people just go for a cup of coffee and head straight out the door. If you are hungry first thing in the morning, there are many ways for you to have a healthy breakfast without needing to sit down. The notion of the breakfast bar is something that can help you. While many breakfast bars from the store are full of sugar, you can create your breakfast bar with numerous seeds, nuts, cornflakes, and goji berries, all glued together with dates that have a natural sweetness, but are still mainly healthy. You can look at a recipe for this here. It is based on a breakfast bar by Nigella Lawson and I absolutely love her recipes!

Another awesome granola bar I make with the kids is this Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Protein Bars.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Granola Bars

Have More Protein

If you do not like the idea of eating much for breakfast, you cannot go wrong with having a dose of protein first thing in the morning! Protein is a great way to keep you feeling full, and is the building block for strength. The best protein-filled breakfast is, without a doubt, eggs. There are so many benefits to eggs, and if you cannot stomach a heavy meal first thing in the morning, you can easily make some scrambled eggs. Pro-tip: add some turmeric to scrambled eggs with some butter and cream for a breakfast that keeps you feeling full, and is great for your health.

One of my fave egg breakfasts, is this quick and easy Everything Bagel Avocado and Egg Toast... yum!

The Smoothie Option

If you are in a rush, and you need to have a breakfast that keeps you full, but is also packed full of nutrients, these are a great introduction to breakfast if you don't have much of an appetite. The great thing about smoothies is that you can add almost anything. If you are looking for a nice filling breakfast, add 1/2 banana, your milk of choice, oats, with some frozen fruit and a scoop of protein powder to keep you feeling full into lunchtime. If you need dairy-free or gluten-free options, you can swap the milk for soy or almond milk and oats for gluten-free alternatives.

One of my fave Fall smoothies is this Pumpkin Pecan Smoothie.... so decadent but so good for you!

Pumpkin Pecan Smoothie

I put my 5 fave smoothie recipes together in this simple download too!

There are many quick and easy meals you can make for breakfast, but if you don't necessarily like the idea of eating first thing in the morning, you can still make it the best meal of the day.

Looking for more healthy and delicious recipes? Check out my new Amazon #1 New Release, Nourish Your Body: A 30 Day Healthy and Delicious Meal Plan!

Nourish Your Body Cookbook

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