My Intuitive Gut Healing Journey

How's Your Gut?

Today, I am sharing with you something that I didn't actually think I would share with anyone.

I am starting an Intuitive Gut Healing Journey.

What does this mean? And why am I doing it?

Find out in this 2 minute video or read on:

Why am I doing this?

A couple of weeks ago I had to go on a course of medication that really messed up my stomach. I experience lots of gas, pain, bloating and diarrhea as a result of the meds. These were big signs to me that my gut health had deteriorated.

Once I finished the meds, I didn't feel as healthy as I normally do. Intuitively, I knew that it had to do with my gut health. As a Nutrition Coach, I also know scientifically that gut health has a huge impact on our brain health, immunity and so much of our overall wellbeing.

So, I decided that I would do a 30 day journey to heal my gut as much as possible.

Why is it an Intuitive Gut Healing Journey?

Obviously the gut healing part is pretty obvious. I want to heal my gut so that I improve my digestive system and overall wellbeing.

I chose the word Intuitive, because I have felt for a while that there are certain food groups that do not agree with my digestive system, but I have no lab testing to prove this. Instead, I will do qualitative testing i.e. remove these foods from my eating plan, and monitor how I feel and respond.

I really want to use these next 30 days as a way to become even more connected with my body cues, such as fullness, hunger, and even giving myself space to confront any emotional or mental blocks around food choices and mindless eating.

Nourish with Renata

Isn't this an Elimination Diet?

Typically this kind of eating plan can be categorized as an elimination diet. However, this terminology can often have a detrimental affect on the mindset of the individual participating in this way of eating. That is why I chose the more positive language in the term, Intuitive Gut Healing Journey.

Instead of focusing on what foods are being eliminated, I want to focus on healing my gut and body overall. I also am guessing that I will heal any emotional or mental blocks around food and hunger too.

What's Next?

I would love to share this journey with you! What questions do you have about gut health and healing your gut? Drop them in the comments below and I will answer them in an upcoming video and blog.


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