Can't find some ingredients?

On my Instagram, I asked what ingredients you are having trouble finding right now during quarantine. There were so many things that people mentioned they are having trouble finding so I wanted to come up with a few ideas and strategies to help you.

Here are a few of the ingredients that people said they couldn't find:

  • Fresh fruit and veggies: some people said that produce was picked over or rotten when they were at the store
  • Canned fruit and veggies: there is huge demand on these items so unless grocery stores have put in place restrictions, canned goods are more tricky to find
  • All purpose flour
  • Oil
  • White Sugar
  • etc.

Perhaps you are in the same boat and can't find these ingredients too. Don't worry, I am here to help you!

Simple Pantry Swaps during Quarantine

The first thing I wanted to do was come up with a list of simple pantry swaps that you could use during quarantine.

So, I made this easy-to-use cheat sheet that shows you some simple swaps and the ratio required to make these ingredient swaps.

Make sure to print or save this cheat sheet. You can also add it to your Pinterest boards!

Simple Pantry Swaps during Quarantine

Can't find the alternatives? No worries! Just comment below and I will brainstorm other alternatives for you.

How else can I help you? I wanna make this quarantine period easier for you in terms of your food and cooking. If you have any questions at all, let me know in the comments below.

And make sure to look out for more awesome tips coming up over the next week!


4 Ways to Find Produce during Coronavirus Lockdown (and how to keep it good for longer!)


Kids in the Kitchen: Peanut Butter Cookies (2 Ways!)