The Summer Wellness Challenge is Here!

Summer vacations can be so fun! But they can also be so hard on your health. 

Days of fast food, sodas, alcohol and lack of sleep, can really cause havoc on your body. 

My family and I just came back from a summer vacation and I ate way too many fries, ice creams and sweets. 

So when we got back home, I knew I needed a change. I needed to revamp not only my nutrition, but also get back into a regular fitness routine, and my typical morning meditation and journaling. 

That’s when I knew a challenge was in order!

I needed to hold myself accountable so that I could elevate my health and wellness. But I also knew that so many other women that I have coached or that I’ve talked to, we’re searching for the same accountability too. 

That is how the Summer Wellness Challenge was born!

Summer Wellness Challenge

Are You Ready for a Challenge?

How many times have you thought to yourself "I know what I should be doing to lose weight or workout. But I just can't seem to get it done! There's never enough hours in the day!" Or life/kids/work gets in the way, and all the things you want to do for YOU, just gets put on the back burner.

Then, this challenge is for you! 

The Summer Wellness Challenge will help you redefine and refocus on your wellness. It's time to put you back on the list of priorities, and finally achieve those goals you've been dreaming of!

Summer Wellness Challenge

What is the Summer Wellness Challenge?

The Summer Wellness Challenge is a 90 day challenge where each day you do 4 tasks to help you reach your own health and wellness goals. 

The four tasks relate to, what I call, the 4 pillars of wellness:

  1. Nutrition 
  2. Fitness
  3. Mindset and
  4. Spirit

When we are consistent on working on each of these 4 pillars, that’s when we see incredible growth and transformation!

The brilliant thing about this challenge is you get to set your own goals. And each month, you’ll get to elevate these goals to ensure your own growth and progression. 

Join me today in the Nourish 360: Holistic Wellness Membership Facebook group, and you’ll also be in a community of other incredible and like-minded people who are ready and willing to take the next step to elevate your life! 

I know without a doubt that huge transformation can happen when you dedicate yourself to these 4 daily tasks. As you build consistency, it is inevitable that the change you are seeking will happen!

That is why I believe the Summer Wellness Challenge is perfect for you. All you need to do is make the choice that you’re ready to reach the next level of your wellness, your greatness and your life. 

Simply email me here to register for the Summer Wellness Challenge! I can’t wait to embrace this challenge with you!!!

Summer Wellness Challenge


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