The holiday season is jam packed with events filled to the brim with unhealthy snacks, desserts and drinks. So it’s no wonder that so many of us fall off the healthy eating bandwagon during this time! If that’s you, please know that you’re not alone. And getting back on the wagon doesn’t need to be something you wait to do in the New Year. Instead, try these 5 tips to get back on the healthy eating wagon after an indulgent meal or meals.

Tip #1: Drink More Water

Water is essential for all of our organs to function properly, including our digestive system and our brain. By simply increasing your water intake, you can help some of the two main symptoms that occur after over-eating: bloating and mental fog.

Water helps to lubricate your digestive system, making it easier to pass stool and eliminate excess water that you might be retaining that is exacerbating your bloating.

We also know that just at 1% reduction in hydration can reduce your mental cognition. So instead of relying on that coffee to perk you up, make sure that you’re actually drinking plenty of water to help your neurons fire optimally.

Tip #2: Focus on Protein and Fiber-Rich Veggies

After a bout of over-eating, it is easy to obsess over all the things you “should not eat”. Instead, shift your nutrition mindset to what you can eat. I recommend focusing each meal on protein and fiber-rich veggies.

Protein is the most satiating ingredient, which means of everything you could eat, protein helps you to feel the fullest. Protein is also the building block of all our cells, so especially if you’re working out, it is important to get a regular protein intake to help to rebuild and repair your muscles. Including protein at every meal is also a sure-fire way to ensure you don’t get hangry because your blood sugar levels have dropped. Protein helps to steady your blood sugar levels, making it easier to stay on the wagon.

Fiber-rich veggies, like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale etc., are fantastic sources of vitamins and minerals. They also help to improve your overall gut health and can make it easier to have bowel movements. Regular bowel movements are a great indicator of gut health and one of the many detoxification pathways. Fiber also helps with feelings of fullness, and has been associated with weight loss.

Tip #3: Beat the Bloat

Bloating is a common side effect after indulgent meals. Knowing what foods bloat you and minimizing them, can help to reduce potential bloating. Some common food groups that may cause bloating in people are wheat, gluten, dairy, soy and eggs. In addition, you can also:

  • Consider taking probiotics regularly: Probiotics are the good gut bacteria that promote a healthy digestive system. You can find probiotics in supplements as well as in fermented foods, like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir and also in live culture yogurts.

  • Minimize salt intake: Salt helps us to hold onto water, which is often associated with bloating. Check the labels of processed foods for the Sodium level, and be especially aware of sauces that can contain a surprising amount of sodium too e.g. soy sauce.

  • Minimize refined sugar intake: Excess sugar intake can cause fermentation in the belly, which can lead to more bloating. Sugars are hidden in lots of foods, and are even more prevalent during the holiday season.

Tip #4: More Sleep, Less Stress

Sleep has a surprising impact on your hunger levels. When we are more tired, a hormone in the body called Ghrelin increases. Ghrelin is responsible for increased feelings of hunger, particularly cravings of salty, sugary and fatty foods. In fact, studies have shown that Ghrelin can actually increase your appetite by up to 30%! So get more sleep to help regulate your hormones, naturally reduce excessive hunger and manage your cravings.

Stress is another big component of getting back on the healthy eating wagon. When we have more stress, we often turn to food as a comfort or reward for having dealt with the stressful situation. Eating these comfort foods, which are often higher in refined carbohydrates, literally increases our blood sugar levels, helping us to feel better, and dampen the body’s reaction to stress. You can manage these carry over effects, by managing your stress with stress relief techniques, or finding ways to remove some responsibilities from your proverbial plate.

For more information on the impact of sleep and stress on your body, make sure to check out my latest book, Heal Your Body, Mind and Spirit: Your Ultimate Guide to Nourishing Your Body, Transforming Your Mindset and Developing a Stronger Spiritual Connection.

Tip #5: Accountability for the Win

Did you know that people who have an accountability partner increase the success rate of achieving their goals by 95%?

This is the most powerful tip for getting back on the healthy eating and drinking wagon: get Accountable! This could mean having a friend get on the wagon with you, or having a coach guide and support you to achieving your goals.

That’s why I created the Healthy for the Holidays Program.

It’s time to get Healthy for the Holidays!

Healthy for the Holidays is an 8 week group coaching program for women who are ready to lean into self care through nutrition and holistic health guidance. The holiday season can be an especially stressful and exhausting time where, basically, your health goals go to die LOL!

But, with the Healthy for the Holidays program, you will learn how to pour back into your proverbial cup and start seeing food as the ultimate form of self-care, as a means to show yourself that you are the most important person in the room and you are worthy of time, care and attention.

Instead of waiting till the New Year to change your health, you can do it now. By joining the Healthy for the Holidays program, I will guide you to create healthy habits that become a non-negotiable in your life, and set up a system for you to achieve your health goals.

You’ll also get:

  • Weekly group coaching calls

  • Weekly meal plans with healthy and delicious recipe ideas for the whole family

  • Two 1:1 calls with me to discuss your specific nutrition and health goals


FREE entry into my exclusive in-person event, My Most Nourished Year. This live one-day retreat is created to share with you how to set health goals that you will actually achieve in 2023. We will face the reasons that your health goals have not been achieved in the past, take these judgement-free learnings and implement them into a new way of BE-ing in the New Year. If you are committed to being your healthiest and happiest self, this one-day retreat is a must!

Ready to step into Your Healthiest and Happiest You?

Send me an email at “” to inquire about the Healthy for the Holidays program today! The last day to sign up is Sunday December 11, 2022.

For a personalized approach to weight loss and nutritious eating, apply here for a FREE 20 minute consultation call.

Love learning about nutrition and finding a way of eating that works for you? Then sign up for my email list here:

Hey! I’m Renata!

Your intuitive nutrition coach and fellow food lover. I’m here to help you find the foods that work best for your body, without feeling deprived or starving.


12 Days of Christmas: Day 1


Struggling to Lose Weight? Try these tips