Struggling to Lose Weight? Try these tips

If you are trying to lose weight, it can be really frustrating when the scale doesn’t budge! Maybe you’ve been on your weight loss journey for a while, and tried every diet plan out there with no luck. In this case, it may be time for a new approach.

Try these tips to reassess and switch up what you’re doing currently. Remember: don’t give up, because if you stick with it, you’ll eventually figure out what works for you and you’ll begin to see the results you always hoped for.

Keep A Food Journal

A food journal is a very helpful tool during your weight loss journey. To begin using a food journal, you simply write down what you eat for each meal and snack. You can include things like specific ingredients, amount of each ingredients and the time of day you are eating.

At regular intervals, such as every day or every week, you can review your food journal to see if there is any room for improvement, such as are you consuming more calorically dense foods than you realize, or do you need to increase your protein or vegetable intake. Start making these changes and monitor your weight loss and body measurements for confirmation if this change is helping you to lose weight.

Grocery Shop & Cook at Home

Another great idea is to get in the habit of grocery shopping and cooking at home regularly. Eating out can potentially be the cause of consuming more calories, fat, and bigger portion sizes than what’s necessary.

Instead, when you grocery shop and cook at home, you can educate yourself on what healthy ingredients to use and what you should be eating for weight loss. Then, hop online and find some of the best quinoa recipes to test out that you know will not only be tasty but healthy.

Eat More Mindfully

If you want to shed unwanted pounds more quickly then try slowing down. Eat more mindfully and savor each bite. If you’re always in a rush and eating on the go then you might overeat or eat the wrong types of foods. Mindful eating is a great way to connect with your body’s natural hunger and fullness cues, and will help you enjoy mealtime more. It’s also an opportunity to combat stress eating.

Face Your Feelings

One significant factor that influences weight loss and gain is your emotions. If you are struggling to lose weight then it may be time to sit down and face your feelings. Many times you may be eating more food or junk food to comfort yourself. Instead, be honest with the emotions you are currently feeling and what may be the cause of those feelings. You can then try meditating, spending time in nature, or journaling to make sure you’re dealing with your emotions in a healthy way and can reduce your stress effectively.

Get on the Scale Regularly

You can’t be afraid to know the truth and be honest with yourself if you want to lose weight and keep it off. Try getting on the scale more regularly and having this number in your mind. It may be challenging for you to accept initially but it also has the potential to motivate you to work harder and stick with a workout routine. You’ll also quickly be able to tell if what you’re doing is working or if you need to make adjustments when the scale won’t move or it goes up. It’s better to know now and come to terms with it than it is to ignore the number and end up gaining more weight in the long run.

Rest & Get More Quality Sleep

You may assume that diet and exercise are the only ways to lose more weight. However, this isn’t the case by any means. A variety of factors come into play when it comes to your weight including stress, rest, and quality of your sleep. Take better care of yourself and go to bed instead of late-night snacking or drinking. Get more quality sleep and rest so your body can recover and repair itself. You’ll also have more energy and motivation to stick to your healthy habits when you aren’t overtired and sluggish or moody due to lack of sleep.

Switch up Your Workouts

If you aren’t exercising enough now then it’s time to move more in general. Even if you are good about exercising, if the scale is stuck then it might be time to switch up your workouts. Some ideas include getting your heart rate up more often and for longer periods and incorporating some weight lifting into your routine. You must find ways to speed up your metabolism and challenge and tone different muscles in your body.

Which tip will you try?

If losing weight were easy then everyone would be able to do it without much effort. The reality is that it can be tricky and a frustrating process to tackle. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t be done with the right attitude and approach. Apply these tips if you’re stuck and want to try something new.  Let me know below, which tip you are going to try today!

For a personalized approach to weight loss and nutritious eating, apply here for a FREE 20 minute consultation call.

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Hey! I’m Renata!

Your intuitive nutrition coach and fellow food lover. I’m here to help you find the foods that work best for your body, without feeling deprived or starving.


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