If You Want A Healthy Life, It's Time to Take Action!

Ready, Set Go!

If you want a healthy life, it's time to take action! Taking consistent, daily action will add up over time and before you know it, you'll be living as the healthier you that you've always dreamed of.

Here's 3 tips for how to take action and create your healthy life!

Create Your Healthy Life

Eat Whole Foods

Are you mindful of the foods you're eating?

As researchers and scientists have discovered more about the effect of food on the body, one thing remains clear: minimizing refined foods and increasing whole foods, can have massive effects on your overall wellness. From reducing inflammation, to increasing your immune system, the food we eat has a direct correlation on how healthy our lives are.

I encourage my clients to fill their plates with 50-75% fresh produce. This may seem like a lot to some people so you can also gradually step it up over time till you reach this higher volume of produce.

Aim to purchase fresh and high quality meat such as Superior Farms lamb or source meats from local providers that you can ask questions to about how they look after their animals.

If you are worried about not knowing what to eat in order to make you healthier, then speak to your doctor or your friendly neighborhood nutrition coach (that's me!). These people will be able to give you the answers that you need, getting you on the right track.

strawberries in packaging containers
Photo by Vanessa P on Pexels.com

Move Your Body

Everyday, find a way to move your body. You don’t need to jump in and buy a gym membership if you're just getting started. You could walk around your neighborhood for 30 minutes, try a free Youtube workout video or have a dance party with the kids. These are all great ways to get started with your healthy journey! Overtime, you can gradually step up your workout regimens to apps like Peloton or FitOn, or attend some group classes at your local YMCA.

You can even hire a coach to go through all of the nutrition and exercises with you. Not only are coaches great sources of information but they also provide stellar motivation, accountability and support.

Check Your Mental Health

It's time to check in with your mental health. Often people think that getting healthy means only working out and eating clean, but actually, you cannot create sustainable change without considering your mental health too.

Being mindful of your mental health means observing your thoughts and behaviors, deciding if these thoughts and behaviors are serving you, and if not, taking action to change those thoughts and beliefs. This can mean reaching out to professionals or trusted confidants for guidance, reading personal development books, listening to podcasts, and most of all, surrounding yourself with understanding and supportive people that will encourage you throughout your health journey.

Living a healthier life encompasses nutrition, fitness and mindset. When you take regular daily action on these things, you ideal healthy life will start to shift from a dream, to a reality. The time is now! Let's go!

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