✨Nourish for the Holidays✨

Maybe it starts with sneaking candy out of the kids Halloween Candy bowl. 

Or having just one more glass of wine before Thanksgiving dinner. Ok, maybe two more... 

Or maybe getting ready for Christmas is a little too stressful and eating your feelings with one more slice of pie doesn’t sound that bad, does it?

We’ve all been there. Heck, I’ve been there too. It’s the last few months of the year and Halloween Candy gives way to Thanksgiving treats which is quickly followed by Christmas sweets. 

I used to just give up on my health during the holidays. I just put it on the back burner and think to myself “I’ll just wait till New Years. I’ll make a New Years resolution and then I’ll be healthy.” 

New Years Resolutions

But you know what? Those New Years resolutions NEVER WORK. 

Ultimately, three weeks into the New Year, almost everyone that made those New Years resolutions have found some excuse to no longer stick to it. 

This kept happening year after year, after year.

And finally, I got to the point where I was sick of it.

I was so sick of this cycle happening.


Because I was tired.

I was tired of having no energy to show up as a good mom for my kids.

I was tired of looking in the mirror and thinking "what happened?"

I was tired of feeling sick and tired.

I knew I had to make a change.

Nourish with Renata

Flipping the Script

So instead of going through the cycle of bingeing during the holiday season and trying to "cram" in health during January, I decided to flip the script.

That meant, during the holiday season, I kept showing up for me. I tried to eat really healthful foods, workout regularly, drink lots of water and focus on what made me feel amazing!

It is incredible what happens when you make this commitment to yourself.

You start feeling energized, so happy with yourself and you really show up for you and your family.

But, one thing I regret is that I didn't really have anyone around me that understood what I was trying to do.

I mean, I live in Texas, where literally everything is bigger, including the food!

People didn't understand why I wanted to eat something green or why I didn't want to have a slice of cake.

I really wished I had some amazing people around me to help guide, encourage and support me during those times.

Do you wish that you had that too?

Have you been doing awesome improving your health up till now, and you're dreading fall off the bandwagon as 2020 draws to a close?

Nourish for the Holidays

That's why I created the ✨Nourish for the Holidays✨ program.

This Nutrition Group Coaching Program will help you:

  • Have more energy during the holiday season so you can spend time with your family and NOT be drained, impatient and stressed out
  • Give you the confidence back about yourself and your health
  • Bring more joy back into your life!

Cheesecake Smoothie

How will we do this?

In this program, I will be giving you:

  • Weekly meal plans filled with healthy and delish recipes that are family friendly
  • Weekly group coaching to give you the tools that you can use each and every day to show up for you and your health
  • A community of incredible women that are ready to level up their lives by committing to themselves and their health

There's also some amazing bonuses, like:

  • Guest experts to share their knowledge on all areas of life. Wellness is not only about food, but it also encompasses fitness, mindset, habits, self care and so much more!
  • A 1:1 nutrition coaching call to discuss your specific goals and to come up with a strategy of how you're going to get there!

And so much more!

Are you ready to bring more energy, joy and confidence back into your life?

This is your time!

Join us in the ✨ Nourish for the Holidays ✨ Program by emailing me or DM-ing and let's chat about how awesome this holiday season is gonna be!

meal prep

See you soon in the Nourish for the Holidays Group Nutrition Coaching Program!


SNEAK PEEK: Honey Balsamic Chicken


Fall Dessert Smoothie Challenge!